Presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria, nell’ambito del corso di “Telecomunicazioni Satellitari” il giorno 5/12/2011 alle ore 10,30 in aula B9 il dott. Antonio Sposito (ASI) e l’Ing. Giuseppe Grelli (Thales Alenia Space) terranno un seminario su:

Satellite based Systems for Aeronautical Applications

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Iris, a Program funded by the European Space Agency, aims to develop a new air-ground communication system for Air Traffic Management (ATM). Currently the VHF is the primary air-ground communications medium in European en-route airspace and is starting to suffer great congestion. Iris proposes a satellite-based solution to support the evolution from “voice based” communications toward digital data links in continental and oceanic airspace. Iris/ANTARES is a specifically designed satellite based system for aerocom community needs.
Antonio Sposito
Antonio Sposito was born in Formia (LT), Italy, in 1958. He received the degree in Physics in 1984 from the University of Rome, Italy. He also received from the same University a Master in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Environmental Impact of Electromagnetic Fields.
From 1985 to 1988 he was with SESA Italia and he was involved in design and development of  data communication systems.
From 1988 to 2002 he was with Telespazio S.p.A. and he was involved in project management and design and development of systems in the field of satellite communication.
In 2002 he joined the Italian Space Agency (ASI). Currently he is Deputy Head of the Telecommunication and Integrated Applications Unit of ASI and responsible for several reaserch and development projects in satellite communications.
He is “Advisor” at the “Joint Communication Board” of the European Space Agency, Member of the ATM Satellite Communications Safety Board (ASSB) and Member of the ESA JCB Iris Advisory Committee.
Giuseppe Grelli
Giuseppe Grelli was born in Rome (Italy), 1963.
Graduated in Electronic Engineering (Telecommunications) from University of Rome – Tor Vergata.
With Thales Alenia Space – Italia  (formerly Alenia Spazio) since 1990 in Telecommunica-tions Directorate for L band payload design on ITALSAT F2 and ARTEMIS programs.
Repeaters Project Leader for SICRAL 1 and Payload Project Leader for SICRAL 1B.
Since 2006 in Navigation and Integrated Communications Directorate of Thales Alenia Space – Italia as Galileo System Engineering Manager.
Project leader of  Iris/ANTARES system and of  Iris/ANTARES Space Segment.
Head of Unit Space of Navigation and Integrated Communications Directorate