Riviste – Journals di Michele Luglio

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G. E. Corazza, M. Luglio, F. Valdoni, F. Vatalaro, Applicazioni del Concetto Cellulare a Sistemi Radiomobili Via Satellite, AEI, vol. 80, n. 9, Set. 1993, pp. 54/836-57/839, presentato alla XCIII Riunione annuale dell’AEI, Maratea, Set. 1992.
M. Luglio, Application of Frequency Diversity for Dimensioning a Ka-band Satellite System, International Journal of Satellite Communications, vol. 14, n. 1, Jan-Feb 1996, pp. 53-62, ISSN 0737-2884.
G. Losquadro, M. Luglio, F. Vatalaro, A. Paraboni, An Advanced Satellite System to Provide Interactive Multimedia Mobile Services, European Transactions on Telecommunications, Special Issue on “Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques”, vol. 8, n. 4, July-August ‘97, pp. 379-391, ISSN 1124-318X.
M. Luglio, M. Marinelli, A. Paraboni, Provision of Multimedia Services over Europe by means of Geostationary Satellites with Multispot Coverage Using Small Terminals, Wireless Networks, Special Issue on “Hybrid and Satellite Communication Networks”, vol. 4, 1998, pp. 125-139, ISSN: 1022-0038.
G. Losquadro, M. Luglio, F. Vatalaro,A Ka/EHF Band Geostationary Satellite System to Provide Multimedia Services to Terrestrial and Aeronautical Users, Space Communications, vol. 15, N. 3, 1998, pp. 153-167.
F. Mazzenga, M. Luglio, F. Vatalaro, Performance Evaluations of Carrier Recovery Scheme for Satellite TDMA Symbol Synchronous Burst Transmission, International Journal of Satellite Communications, vol. 17, n. 1, January-February 1999, pp. 3-16.
M. Luglio, Mobile Multimedia Satellite Communications, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, October-December 1999, vol. 6, n. 4, pp. 10-14, DOI 10.1109/MMUL.1999.809228.
M. Leo, M. Luglio, Intersegment Handover between Terrestrial and Satellite segments: Analysis and Performance Evaluations through simulation, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 50, n. 3, May 2001, pp. 750-766, DOI 10.1109/25.933310.
P. Loreti, M. Luglio, A Generalized N-State Model to characterize satellite diversity for arbitrary number of satellites in case of uncorrelated channels, IEEE Communications Letters, Volume: 5, Issue: 11, Nov. 2001, pp. 447-449, DOI 10.1109/4234.966029.
G. Caire, G. E. Corazza, R. De Gaudenzi, G. Gallinaro, M. Luglio, R. Lyons, J. Romero-Garcia, A. Vernucci, H. Widmer, Wideband-CDMA for the UMTS/IMT-2000 Satellite Component, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 51, No. 2, March 2002, pp. 306-331, VTS Jack Neubauer Best System Paper Award.
M. Luglio, Optimum LEO Satellite Capacity Dimensioning to Minimise Lost Traffic and Wasted Capacity, Indonesia Satellite Association (ASSI) Satellite Communications Letters, Vol.II, No.1, Special Issue on ‘Satellite based 3G System’, March 2002, pp. 13-22.
M. Luglio, G. Quaglione, ITU-R approves two Recommendations on satellite systems offering multiple services (SSOMS)
, IEEE Communications Newsletters, April 2002.
M. Luglio, R. Mancini, C. Riva, A. Paraboni, F. Barbaliscia,
Large Scale Site Diversity for Satellite Communication Networks
, International Journal of Satellite Communications, vol. 20, n. 4, July-August 2002, pp. 251-260.
P. Loreti, M. Luglio, Interference Evaluations and Simulations for Multisatellite Multibeam Systems, International Journal of Satellite Communications, vol. 20, n. 4, July-August 2002, pp. 261-281.
E. Cianca, M. Angelaccio, M. Luglio, M. Ruggieri, P. Daponte, R. Lojacono, R. Prasad, Efficient Integration of IP-based Terrestrial and Satellite Systems: ARQ Techniques and Inter-segment Handover,
International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 23, October 2002, pp. 77-92, ISSN 0929-6212.
M. Luglio, W. Pietroni, Optimisation of Double Link Transmission in case of Hybrid Orbit Satellite Constellations, AIAA Journal on Spacecrafts and Rockets, vol. 39, n. 5, 2002.
M. Leo, M. Luglio, Intersegment Handover Performance in Integrated Terrestrial Satellite Systems
, International Journal of Satellite Communications,
vol. 20, n. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2002, pp. 417-434.
M. Leo, M. Luglio, Performance evaluation of an optimized intersegment handover procedure for hybrid constellation satellite systems, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 3, issue 1, February 2003, pp. 87-97.
M. Luglio, R. Ramilli, Impact of Fade and non-Fade Duration for different Elevation Angles on Time Correlation Characterization for Land Mobile Satellite Systems, Space Communications, Vol. 19, N. 2, 2003, pp. 69-82.
M. Luglio, M. Yahya Sanadidi, J. Stepanek, M. Gerla, On-board Satellite “Split TCP” Proxy, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, JSAC, special issue on Broadband IP Networks via Satellites, February 2004, Vol. 22, n. 2, pp. 362-370, DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2003.819987, ISSN 0733-8716.
M. Luglio, C. Roseti, M. Gerla, The Impact of Efficient Flow Control and OS Features on TCP Performance over Satellite Links, invited paper on ASSI Satellite Communication Letter (Sat-Comm Letter), 9th edition, special issue on Multimedia Satellite Communication, vol. III, n. 1, June 2004, pp. 1-9, ISSN 1412-0496.
P. Loreti, M. Luglio, R. Kapoor, J. Stepanek, M. Gerla, F. Vatalaro M. A. Vazquez-Castro Mobile Internet Access Using Satellite Networks, International Journal of Satellite Communications,
vol. 22, n. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2004, pp. 587-610.
C. E. Palazzi, C. Roseti, M. Luglio, M. Gerla, M. Y. Sanadidi, and J. Stepanek, Enhancing Transport Layer Capability in HAPS-Satellite Integrated Architecture, International Journal in Wireless Personal Communications special issue on “High Altitude Platforms: Research and Application Activities”, vol. 32, n. 3-4, February 2005, pp. 339-356, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-005-0751-2, ISSN ISSN: 0929-6212.
P. Chini, G. Giambene, D. Bartolini, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, Dynamic Resource Allocation based on a TCP-MAC Cross-Layer Approach for Interactive Satellite Networks, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, special issue for “Cross-Layer Protocols for Satellite Communication Networks”, vol. 24, n 5, September 2006, pp. 367–385, ISSN: 1542-0973. 2-s2.0-33749595384
A. Vanelli-Coralli, G. E. Corazza, C. Bazile, P. Bithas, S. Cioni, L. Castanet, A. Duverdier, W. Gappmair, M. Luglio, P. T. Mathiopolous, C. Mosquera, L.S. Ronga, A. A. Rontogiannis, S. Scalise, M. A. Vazquez-Castro, Digital Satellite Communication Techniques: A review, EURASIP Newsletter, Volume 17, n. 3, September 2006, pp. 12-31.
C. Caini, R. Firrincieli, M. Marchese, T. de Cola, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, N. Celandroni, F. Potortì, Transport Layer Protocols and Architectures for Satellite Networks, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, Vol. 25, Issue 1, January 2007, pp.1-26.
G. Theodoridis, C. Roseti, N. Pavlidou, M. Luglio, TCP-Call Admission Control Interaction in Multiplatform Space Architectures, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2007, Article ID 23923, 8 pages, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/23923, ISSN: 16871472.
M. Luglio, C. Monti, C. Roseti, A. Saitto and M. Segal, Interworking between MANET and Satellite Systems for Emergency Applications, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, vol. 25, n 5, 2007, pp. 551-558, ISSN: 1542-0973, DOI 10.1002/sat.890.
R. Giuliano, M. Luglio, F. Mazzenga, Interoperability between WiMax and Broadband Mobile Space Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2008, vol 46, n. 3, pp. 50-57, doi 10.1109/MCOM.2008.4463771, ISSN: 0163-6804.
M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Performance evaluation of TCP-based applications over DVB-RCS DAMA schemes, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, vol. 27, n. 3, 2009, pp 163-191, DOI: 10.1002/sat.930.
M. Luglio, C. Roseti, G. Savone, F. Zampognaro, Cross layer architecture for a Satellite-WiFi efficient Handover, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, n. 6, July 2009, pp. 2990-3001, DOI 10.1109/TVT.2008.2011274.
M. Luglio, G. Theodoridis, C. Roseti, N. Pavlidou, A TCP driven CAC scheme: efficient resource utilization in a leaky HAP-Satellite integrated scenario, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), vol. 45, n. 3 July 2009, July 2009, pp. 885-898, DOI 10.1109/TAES.2009.5259172, ISSN: 0018-9251.
C. Roseti, M. Luglio, and F. Zampognaro, Analysis and performance evaluation of a burst-based TCP for Satellite DVB RCS links, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 18, issue 3, June 2010, pp. 911 – 921, ISSN: 1063-6692, DOI 10.1109/TNET.2009.2033272.
C. Roseti, M. Luglio, G. Fairhurst, S. Ramachandran, A Cross-Layer Framework for IPSec over Satellite Links, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, Volume 28, Issue 5-6, pp. 272 – 290, 2010, DOI: 10.1002/sat.963.
M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Transport layer enhancements on a satellite-based mobile broadband system for high-speed trains, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, vol 30, issue 6, nov-dec 2012, pp. 235-249, DOI: 10.1002/sat.1014.
Celandroni N., Ferro E., Gotta A., Oligeri G., Roseti C., Luglio M., Bisio I., Cello M., Davoli F., Panagopoulos A. D., Poulakis M., Vassaki S., De Cola T., Marchitti M.A., Hu Y. F., Pillai P., Verma S., Xu K., Acar G., A Survey of Architectures and Scenarios in Satellite-based Wireless Sensor Networks: System Design Aspects, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, Vol. 31, issue 1, Jan-Feb 2013, pp 1-38, Published online on Nov 27 2012, DOI: 10.1002/sat.1019, online ISSN: 1542-0981.
D. Gianni, M. Lisi, P. De Simone, A. D’Ambrogio, M. Luglio, Interfacing Clearly: A New Approach to the Design and Development of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, GPS World, vol. 24, n. 4, April, 2013, pp. 43-49.
A. Gotta, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, A TCP/IP satellite infrastructure for sensing operations in emergency contexts, Computer Networks, Volume 60, 26 February 2014, pp. 147-159, ISSN 1389-1286, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bjp.2013.11.001
N. Celandroni, E. Ferro, A. Gotta, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, On the Applicability of Reliable Transport Protocols in Satellite Delay Tolerant and Disruptive Networks, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, published online: 13 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/sat.1031, vol. 32, Issue 2, March 2014, pp 141–161.
M. Luglio, F. Zampognaro, M. Manzo, A. Gentile, Sensible: IP-layer dynamic bandwidth management for DVB-RCS network sub-domains, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, published online: 10 FEB 2014 | DOI: 10.1002/sat.1053; vol 32, issue 5, September/October 2014, pp. 393-406.
A. Garibbo, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Designing Heterogeneous Networks based on Satellite Communications Exploiting Simulation and Emulation, Polaris Innovation Journal, September 2014, pp. 7-13.
M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Transport layer optimization for cloud computing applications via satellite: TCP Noordwijk+, China Communications, December 2014, Vol.11 No.12, pp 105-119, ISSN1673-5447, DOI 10.1109/CC.2014.7019845.
L. Caviglione, N. Celandroni, M. Collina, H. Cruickshank, G. Fairhurst, E. Ferro, A. Gotta, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, A. Salam, R. Secchi, Z. Sun, A. Vanelli Coralli, A Deep Analysis on Future Web Technologies and Protocols over Broadband GEO Satellite Networks, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, 7 Jul 2015, DOI: 10.1002/sat.11202015.
A. Abdelsalam, D. Caragata, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Robust Security framework for DVB-RCS Satellite Networks (RSSN), International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, 2015, published on line 9 oct 2015 DOI: 10.1002/sat.1154.
A. Abdelsalam, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, TCP Wave: a new reliable transport approach for Future Internet, COMPUTER NETWORKS, vol. 122, January 2017, pp. 122-143, ISSN: 1389-1286, doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2016.11.002.
G. Berretta, P. Dvorak, M. Luglio, L. Luini, C. Riva, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Improvement of Ka-band satellite link availability for real-time IP-based video contribution, ICT Express, vol. 3, 2017, pp. 124-127, ISSN: 2405-9595, DOI: 10.1016/j.icte.2017.04.001, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.icte.2017.04.001
L. Zhu, M. Luglio, Z. Sun, G. Zhang, Q. Guo, Space Internet, CHINA COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 14, March 2017, p. 15-16, ISSN: 1673-5447, doi: 10.1109/CC.2017.7897318.
A. Abdelsalam, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Analysis of bandwidth aggregation techniques for combined use of satellite and xDSL broadband links, International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking, Volume 37, Issue 2, 1 March 2019, Pages 76-90, DOI: 10.1002/sat.1242.
M. Luglio, S. P. Romano, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Service Delivery Models for Converged Satellite-Terrestrial 5G Network Deployment: A Satellite-Assisted CDN Use-Case, IEEE Network, vol 33, issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019, pp 142-150, DOI: 10.1109/MNET.2018.1800020.
A. Bujari, O. Gaggi, M. Luglio, C. E. Palazzi, G. Quadrio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Addressing the Bandwidth Demand of Immersive Applications through NFV in a 5G Network, Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 25, pp. 1114-1121, 27/3/2020, June 2020, DOI 10.1007/s11036-020-01528-0.
A. Abdelsalam, M. Luglio, M. Quadrini, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Analysis of DASH performance over time-varying end-to-end links, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 84, June 2020, pp 106623, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2020.106623.
A. Bujari, M. Luglio, C. E. Palazzi, M. Quadrini, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, A Virtual PEP for Web Optimization over a Hybrid Backhaul, IEEE Communications Magazine Series on Network Softwarization and Management, 2020, October 2020, 58.10 (2020): 42-48, DOI 10.1109/MCOM.001.2000322.
A. Abdelsalam, M. Luglio, N. Patriciello, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, TCP Wave over Linux: a disruptive alternative to the traditional TCP window approach, Computer Networks, Volume 184, 15 January 2021, 107633, 2020, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107633
, 2-s2.0-85094869264.
Sciddurlo, Giancarlo; Petrosino, Antonio; Quadrini, Mattia; Roseti, Cesare; Striccoli, Domenico; Zampognaro, Francesco; Luglio, Michele; Perticaroli, Stefano; Mosca, Antonio; Lombardi, Francesco; Micheli, Ivan; Ornatelli, Antonio; Schena, Vincenzo; Di Mezza, Alessandro; Mattioni, Alessio; Morbidelli, Daniele; Boggia, Gennaro; Piro, Giuseppe, Looking at NB-IoT over LEO Satellite Systems: Design and Evaluation of a Service-Oriented Solution, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Print ISSN: 2327-4662, Online ISSN: 2327-4662, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3135060, 2-s2.0-85121794130.
Zhu, Lidong; Luglio, Michele; Zhang, Gengxin; Yang, Mingchuan, Intelligent interference management and secure communications for satellite-terrestrial integrated systems, China Communications, Open Access, Volume 19, Issue 7, Pages III – V, 1 July 2022, DOI 10.23919/JCC.2022.9837842, ISSN 16735447, scopus id 2-s2.0-85135348635.
F. Patrone, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, M. Marchese, “Performance Evaluation of a Satellite Communication-based MEC architecture for IoT applications”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, October 2022, Vol, 58, Issue 5, pp. 3775-3785, DOI 10.1109/TAES.2022.3199330, Print ISSN: 0018-9251, Online ISSN: 1557-9603, scopus id 2-s2.0-85136848513.
M. Luglio, S. P. Romano, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Satellite multi-beam multicast support for an efficient community-based CDN, Computer Networks, 2022, doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109352, ISSN 15565068, Scopus id 2-s2.0-85129235308.
M. Luglio, M. Quadrini, C. Roseti and F. Zampognaro, “Modes and models for satellite integration in 5G networks,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, Dec. 2022, Print ISSN: 0163-6804, Electronic ISSN: 1558-1896 doi: 10.1109/MCOM.002.2200209.
M. Luglio, M. Quadrini, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, “A Flexible Web Traffic Generator for the dimensioning of a 5G backhaul in NPN”, Computer Networks, Volume 221, February 2023, 109531, Available online 20 December 2022, 109531, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109531, 2-s2.0-85144570384.
M. Luglio, M. Quadrini, C. Roseti, F. Zampognaro, Modes and Models for Satellite Integration in 5G Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 50-56, April 2023, DOI 10.1109/MCOM.002.2200209.